Falmouth – Falmouth Community Television (FCTV) is pleased to announce that FCTV member producer Richard Duby has been awarded the 2024 Priscilla “Pucky” Roslansky Memorial Fund Award for his production of Think About It, a talk show featuring one-on-one conversations with individuals with extraordinary backgrounds. The program is produced by Duby, and control room direction has been handled alternately by FCTV members Bruce Soulé and Marilyn Rowland.
Duby has used his FCTV program to take on challenging and unconventional show topics, from a conversation about menstruation and women’s reproductive health aimed at the men in their lives to a candid exploration of emotional recovery by Fran Ferguson, a Falmouth woman whose daughter was murdered by a serial killer in 1984.
Duby, Soulé and Rowland are all certified trainees of FCTV’s Intro to Studio and Intro to Field television education programs and have contributed to other community television programs above and beyond Think About It.
FCTV Public Channel 6 airs Think About It several times throughout the week. Check the program schedule for exact dates and times. FCTV Public Channel 6 can also be viewed on FCTV’s Roku and Apple TV channel apps and on Android and iOS devices with the free Cablecast Screenweave app.
In 2012, the Falmouth Community Television Board of Directors established the Priscilla “Pucky” Roslansky Memorial Fund in memory of Priscilla “Pucky” Roslansky, Ph.D., of Woods Hole, Massachusetts, along-time member, producer, and supporter of FCTV. Each year, the fund’s selection committee chooses a program that best represents the ideals that Dr. Roslansky stood for. Along with their production of no less than 30 minutes, applicants must submit a 500-750 word essay detailing how the program supports the values of the Priscilla Roslansky Fund: educating our community about Falmouth issues, improving the political discourse, and building and connecting our community. The winning producer, who must be an active FCTV member, is awarded $250.
For more information about the Priscilla “Pucky” Roslansky Memorial Fund and to
make a donation, visit https://fctv.org/about/pucky/ .