When local non-profits, government entities, and community groups need to share information, they turn to FCTV, utilizing our biannual PSA Days, community bulletin board, FCTV Exclusives and Falmouth In Focus programs, or enrolling in our media and technology classes. Hundreds of organizations and government entities rely on FCTV as an indispensable asset to convey their mission, services, and announcements.

PSA Days
PSA Day is open to any member nonprofit organization as a day dedicated to the production of Public Service Announcements. FCTV offers this service as a means of assisting local organizations and community groups in communicating their mission and services.
All PSAs will be edited in full HD and cablecast on Public Access Channel, also viewable on FCTV’s social media, Roku and Apple TV channels, and website. In addition, FCTV encourages groups to use these PSAs for their own promotional purposes.

Community Bulletin Boards
FCTV’s Community Bulletin Boards are available to nonprofit organizations, community groups and government entities to post announcements.
The Bulletin Boards are an excellent way to publicize information, activities, events and services.
This free service can be used to publicize town happenings, health screenings, support groups, public meetings, lectures, local events, performances, exhibitions, and more.

Falmouth In Focus /
FCTV Exclusives
As a public service to inform our community, FCTV produces a twice-monthly current events magazine program that highlights and promotes the people, organizations, and events in the Town of Falmouth. The program, which began in the fall of 2015, features segments on the latest updates from Town Hall, projects from local organizations, and Falmouth personalities and newsmakers.
Additionally, many of the separate features that make up the content of Falmouth In Focus – news packages that highlight the many organizations and entities that contribute to the fabric of our community – are available for viewing throughout the day on FCTV Public Channel 13, Roku, Apple TV, and on our YouTube channel as FCTV Exclusives.

Training & Programming
When your organization is ready to do your own television program, FCTV will work with you and your crew to customize a training solution that will empower you and your team to create your own programming.
FCTV also offers an extensive curriculum of new media and technology courses to help your group elevate their skills and navigate today’s media and technology.