“Endings And Beginnings” will be the suggested theme for the next installment of Falmouth Community Television’s series of virtual monthly open mic nights on Thursday, September 22, at 7:00 pm. Titled “Poetic License,” the Zoom event offers participants the opportunity to stay connected with their voices. The host for this event will be Falmouth poet and jazz vocalist Donna Scheer.
Performers are invited to participate and share their original poetry, story, comedy, spoken word, or solo acoustic musical performance in a four-minute time slot. Participants must pre-register by September 21 by emailing Tony Sadera, Communications Manager, at tony@fctv.org. Once registered, the participants will receive login information and additional suggestions for participating in a Zoom conference. Registrants will need access to a computer with internet access, webcam, and microphone or utilize a smartphone with the Zoom application installed. The event will be recorded and shown on FCTV Public Channel 13, FCTV’s Apple TV and Roku channels, and the FCTV YouTube Channel.
Host Donna Scheer’s tarpaper-shack grandma introduced her to horseshoes, buttermilk biscuits, and poetry. Ms. Scheer’s work is often inspired by nature, dreams, and a long lifetime of memories.
You can view last month’s episode here: